DSI’s COO, Eddie Sorrells, holds many security certifications including CPP (Certified Protection Professional), PSP (Physical Security Professional) and CHS IV (Certified in Homeland Security), and is also a licensed attorney in the State of Alabama and serves on many boards and committees within the security industry. Eddie is currently the Chairman of the Security Services Council with ASIS, American Society for Industrial Security, and is part of the faculty for the upcoming ASIS Workshop:

Security Force Management Conference
May 18 – 19, 2016
The Westin Las Vegas Hotel

Whether you’re new to a security leadership position, striving to increase your management responsibility, or have 20 years experience as a security manager, your ability to manage a modern security force depends on your understanding of the law, management practices, technology, and best practices and procedures.

Click on this link if you are interested in learning how to :

    • Equip your security program to navigate the changing landscape.
    • Add cost-effective practices to your professional arsenal.
    • Learn new financial and marketing strategies to improve performance.
    • Gain information to assist in ensuring your safety, security, and compliance with legal requirements.
    • Understand the impact of current trends and recent issues

This program delivers a comprehensive update on these core management requirements and demonstrates a great security program from an average one.