What does DSI stand for?
Our motto is simple – Do What You Say You Will Do.
DSI Security Services takes pride in staying true to our word
with both our clients and employees by instilling “DWYSYWD”
into every aspect of our company. It goes back to over half a century ago
when our founder, A.B. Clark, would seal deals with just a handshake.
Our commitment to doing what we say we will do
is not just our company motto – it’s our promise to you.
The History of DSI
DSI (Dothan Security Inc.) originated in 1969 when Sheriff A.B. Clark started a security service firm in response to a request from the construction company building at the nearby Farley Nuclear Plant. As its reputation grew for providing quality security service, DSI began to expand, currently operating 28 offices spanning 33 states across the U.S. A.B. Clark launched DSI with the belief that his company could fill a void with a dependable, competent team of people. DSI now consists of thousands of carefully selected and highly trained security guard personnel.
DSI is still a family-owned and managed company, led by A.B.’s son Alan, Chairman of the Board, along with his wife Marty, CEO. Alan and Marty’s two sons also work with DSI in various capacities. DSI has also benefited from its well-rounded, experienced, and professional management staff that have helped in building DSI’s reputation as a leader in the security service industry. Following sound business practices through the years, DSI Security has maintained a high-quality clientele. Many of our clients have experimented with less expensive security suppliers prior to choosing DSI, but have ultimately chosen the more personal way of doing business DSI provides.